Tuesday, May 18, 2010

When you look at the A.R.C you will surely get amused with its massiveness. It is the kind of rescue vehicle that can ply on whatever terrain you put it on and effortlessly. The Amphibious Rescue Craft (A.R.C) helps deliver aid in times of natural calamities like floods and cyclone affected areas. All the other vehicles might not be ply during these times but the impact resistant tires of the ARC enable it to reach places with ease. There is less friction and a great output. In such times when time is crucial to the number of lives saved the A.R.C can come to the rescue.

The ‘A.R.C’ (Amphibious Rescue Craft) is a rugged all terrain vehicle that can be used to deliver vital aid and supplies anywhere required including flooded areas which are inaccessible to most other vehicles. Variable height ground clearance combined with large wheels and all terrain tyres provide excellent off road capabilities, whilst a boat hull and retractable wheels enable the A.R.C to plane at high speeds across water with minimal friction and uncompromised performance.

The high output diesel engine powers the wheels when on land and the water jet propulsion system when waterborne which can deliver up to one tonne of thrust. Once landed at its destination, the A.R.C uses an on-board crane (known as a ‘Multilift’ system) to rapidly deploy a supply unit containing anything from medicine or food to a water purification system. The water filtration units can be deployed at the site of a mass flood and used to purify contaminated flood water, returning it to life-saving drinking water which is otherwise scarce in flooded third world environments.

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